Introducing The Lion’s Mane Mushroom… A Mushroom Powerhouse

A culinary prize and potent medicinal, Lion’s Mane mushroom is quickly gaining popularity around the world. And, with good reason. If you’re looking for a way to boost your memory, supercharge your health, and slow those awful signs of aging, Lion’s Mane is here for you.

What is Lion’s Mane?

This aptly named mushroom is round, dense, and covered in long, shaggy white spines. Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) grows wild in Europe, the UK, Asia, and the northeastern United States. In some of these places, it is listed as rare or endangered. Thankfully, though, Lion’s Mane is easily cultivated, and there are many growers worldwide.

Eastern medicine has used Lion’s Mane for centuries to improve health and brain function. Lion’s Mane is fantastic eaten fresh, with a taste and texture similar to crab. It is also available powdered, as tea, or as a tincture. Personally, I love Lion’s Mane powder in my morning coffee and these Genius Mushroom Supplements when I’m ready to work and need a boost of focus and clarity.

The Health Benefits of Lion’s Mane

Recent scientific studies show what traditional practitioners knew all along. Lion’s Mane is good for the brain and body.

Brain Health

A study done with elderly patients demonstrated that a Lion’s Mane supplement improved overall brain function when taken every day. Recent studies show Lion’s Mane potentially stimulates the growth of two crucial neuroprotective compounds connected to memory (NGF [nerve growth factor] and BDNF [brain-derived neurotrophic factor]).

I can definitely attest to noticing a difference in my focus and overall productivity when I take Lions Mane.

Neurodegenerative Diseases

Degenerative brain diseases, like Alzheimer’s and Dementia, may be alleviated or averted with Lion’s Mane supplements. A study done with mice showed recognition memory improved over a two-month period, as well as general memory function, and overall well-being. Another study demonstrated an improved motor function without spatial memory impairment.

Lion’s Mane possesses a unique compound, erinaceus, which delays neuron (nerve) cell death and also demonstrates promise in regenerating nerves.

Depression & Anxiety

A study done with menopausal women showed reduced anxiety, depression, irritation, and improved concentration over a 4-week period.

The memory-enhancing properties of Lion’s Mane are directly related to its effectiveness in alleviating anxiety and depression. Weak recognition memory is directly related to depression because the brain struggles to cope with new, novel, or unfamiliar objects.

Even more than that, the anti-inflammatory properties of Lion’s Mane may reduce mood disorders, as recent studies demonstrate a link between brain inflammation and overall mental health.

Immune System

Recent studies with mice show that regular consumption of Lion’s Mane improves intestinal health and demonstrates great potential in fighting pathogens, specifically those transmitted via mouth or nose.

How to Take Lion’s Mane

Fresh Lion’s mane is delicious and nutritious. If you can find a local grower, try it sauteed with olive oil or butter. Supplements and powders are also widely available at natural grocery stores and online.

Where to Buy this Super Mushroom?

My favorite Lion’s Mane supplements come from Genius Mushrooms.

I go to Om Mushrooms for their matcha latte and fruity powders. ***Om Mushrooms occasionally offers coupons, so check their website, or use ABSOLUTELYADELL for 20% off.

What’s your favorite way to take mushrooms? 

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