first month newborn the hardest? absolutely adell hellstrom

Surviving the First Month With A Newborn Baby

Hi all,

I have a newborn and a 3-year-old so I know how tough the first month can be.

That’s why I made this video for you… to encourage you to hang there because there is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel!

The first month is incredibly tough but there are cute times ahead of you. Watch the video so we can chat about it and get through this together 🙂

As always, feel free to share your thoughts or questions below so we can create a community of moms supporting moms 🙂

Must Have Items for A Newborn!!!
1. For Gas, Colic and Hiccups! I used this with my first and second babes! 
2. Gas relief drops!!! this calms my baby down when I know he’s all gassy and needs help 
3. The absolute seriously must-have kit for a newborn, with everything listed above and at a really great value price!!!! 

Watch the video below!

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