Feeling Guilty About Bottle Feeding Your Baby?

Feeling Guilty About Bottle Feeding Your Baby?

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Feeling guilty about bottle feeding your baby?

I am so glad you made it here because this is such a real issue that many moms suffer from.

It’s time we speak more openly about this so we can normalize mom guilt and try to put an end to all the unnecessary suffering.

Let’s support each other more and know that many of us go through this … and probably many times feeling alone and depressed.

Many moms experience guilt around bottle feeding, whether that be with baby formula or pumped breast milk.

I experienced mom guilt when I had my first baby and also a little bit when I had my second.

I have so much to say about this that I actually made two videos about this topic to support you moms that are going through the mom guilt with regards to bottle feeding.

I realized breastfeeding and pumping was not for me so I decided on 100% formula with bottles.

Check out this article and video if you are struggling with breastfeeding because you don’t really want to do it but you feel like you are supposed to do it.

Feeling like you are supposed to be doing something that you dont want to do can lead to feeling mom guilt. Again I suffered much less during my second birthing/pregnancy when it came to deciding what to feed my baby and how to do it. I made another article and video talking about this.

Maybe you don’t want to breastfeed or pump then don’t do it. Free yourself from caring about what anybody thinks. They are not living your life. 

I remember feeling anxiety every night when the sun would go down. I didn’t know what the night would have in store for me. After moving to bottle feeding, I was able to regain freedom and my sense of self.

How to not feel guilty about bottle feeding your baby

I know the pressure that comes from wanting to be the best mom.

I mean you already are a fantastic mother, the fact that you have mom’s guilt and you’re doing all this research just shows how much you care.

If you’re struggling with a belief that you have to do something like breastfeed when you really don’t want to, then I’m here to free you from that BS!

I encourage you to check out the videos I made, as they will contain more info than this quick rant. Check it out on youtube previously listed above.

First off, who cares if you feed your baby with your boob or a bottle. Big picture ladies, FED IS BEST.

I don’t care what anybody says…. you want to focus on love, connections with your baby, giving them a sense of security, and giving them the proper nutrients to thrive and grow. Which babies can get from formula or breast milk.

Look, I’m a mom of a four-year-old and a one-year-old and I faced mom guilt with both when it came to bottle feeding.

I’m hoping this post gives you a little insight and inspiration to value your happiness and put your needs above others.

By taking care of yourself, you will be your best version around those you care about, including your baby. 

Best Baby and Mom Products on Amazon

  1. Best wireless, handsfree, modern, worth the splurge breast pump! The Elvie Double Hands-free Breast Pump costs about $530 on Amazon . I used this when pumping with my second baby and wowzers it definitely made pumping less weird and uncomfortable for me.
  2. Best affordable, fussless set of everyday baby bottles. These are my go too. I don’t like lots of pieces to wash so this is a simple and straightforward set that has worked for me and my family. Avent Baby Bottles Newborn Starter Set about $49.95 on Amazon
  3. Best portable baby formula container. Termichy Formula Container is about $12 on Amazon – I love it! I bought two. Great for travel or to keep near the bed for quick nightly bottle making. 
  4. The best stroller set I used for both my boys from when they were newborns to now. The Chicco Viaro Set on Amazon retails for around $369.99 for a stroller and infant car seat. So efficient and easy to use. It is not the most expensive thing on the market and not the cheapest. It is definitely, a mid-range stroller set .. and it has everything!~ cup holders, storage on bottom, an infant car seat that can attach to stroller then straight to the car’s infant car seat base, so you don’t have to wake your newborn to move them to a different car seat when they are already sleeping. 
  5. I’ve used Similac Pro Advance and Similac Pro Total Comfort. I love both but I do prefer the Similac Pro Comfort formula more because there are far fewer bubbles after shaking it up.
  6. The Best organic European baby formula website I shop from is the Organics Best Shop. I used the German Hipp formula with both of my boys, using the newborn stage 1 and then stage 2 formulas. I buy in bulk here. Babies go through formula so fast!
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