European Formula vs American Formula

What's the Best Formula for Your Baby? -

Baby formula has become the norm for new parents in America and around the world.

Formula feeding is considered healthy for newborns and growing infants for those of us that choose to forgo breastfeeding.

Although breastfeeding has numerous benefits for babies, the high-quality formula is also beneficial to a growing infant and should be encouraged as a fitting alternative. 

Even as formula continues to be acceptable among parents, there is a raging debate on European Vs American formula. 

I would like to give my perspective on the debate on which of the formulas is superior and why.

Closest to resembling breast milk

Baby formula should replace or supplement breastmilk, so a product that has similar ingredients to milk from a mother’s breast should be the obvious choice. 

European formula is designed to resemble breastmilk in all aspects making it the best for babies.

Popular brands such as HiPP have important ingredients like lactose and fatty acids that are also present in breast milk and important for healthy growth. 

The same cannot be said for American formula brands which have additives such as corn syrup, sucrose, and maltodextrin.

European formula is better regulated

Baby formula in America can be placed on shelves as long as it meets FDA approval. 

However, the guidelines given by the approving body are so broad resulting in many formula brands with sweeteners being sold to unsuspecting parents. 

The opposite is true for European formula which is held to stricter standards when it comes to ingredients used in their production. 

Every can of formula must contain 30% of lactose as part of the overall carbohydrate content. 

The feeding formula should not contain sucrose or any other preservatives like pectins and fructans.

Accepted by nutrition experts

Even as the debate on which formula is better than the other, many nutritional experts are starting to agree on the superiority of European brands. 

As I was searching for information on European formula, I came across numerous articles discussing various benefits of the formula. 

Some of these blogs are well respected in the parenting and nutritional space with a huge following has embraced the formulas wholeheartedly. 

It is common to find them recommending HiPP, Holle, and Lebenswert to mums with babies with allergies, tummy upsets, or even constipation. 

In my opinion, the more research you do on European formula, the more confident you will be to make your first purchase.

Reduced chances of obesity and childhood diabetes

Lactose is the main ingredient in European formula with no sweeteners or additives making it as healthy as breast milk. 

Babies can easily break down the lactose making it less taxing on their developing pancreas. 

The blood levels are also kept at normal levels which is beneficial to the baby in the long run.

However, with American formula, the presence of processed sweeteners can end up overloading a baby’s system. 

These sweeteners may also lead to diabetes or obesity because of developing a sweet tooth early in life. 

I believe that the early introduction of sweeteners may also have a negative health impact on children as they get older.

Which European formula is the best?

In reality, baby formulas are placed in different categories with the highest quality being most sought for by parents. 

When shopping, it is important to go beyond the ingredients listed as high-quality but go for those that have been proven to give results. 

European brands which include HiPP, Lebenswert, and Holle are the best formula in the market, leaving American brands playing catch up.

Personally, I’ve preferred HiPP products and have found them better than American formula and a fit for our family.

I did however start with American formula.

I used Similac Pro Advance when I began supplementing with formula. 

I started researching formulas that are the cleanest and most nutritious for my baby.

You can read about my switch from American formula to European formula here. 

I order European formula online and have it shipped from Germany to California (USA) within a few days shipping.

Here is some information on the infant and first stage formulas of some of the top brands of European formula that can be shipped to America.

Hipp Dutch Stage 1

The combiotic milk formula is ideal for babies from 0-6 months. 

It comes in an 800g tin that is easy to use and store. 

Parents that are looking for infant formula that is organic, nutritionally complete and lactose based will find this formula worth buying. 

It is manufactured in Germany and packed in the Netherlands plus has instructions in English.

Holle Bio Stage PRE

The organic milk formula is best for babies from 0-6 months old and is sold in a 400g tin. 

It is a formula made from simple and few ingredients that have been put through the strictest organic standards. 

The Demeter certified infant formula is made and packed in Germany but comes with guidelines in English.

Lebenswert Stage 1

 This is another high-quality organic baby formula that is perfect for newborns to six-month-old babies. It is available in 500g packaging and is filled with ingredients found in regular breastmilk. 

The formula used in its production includes the use of German milk and other EU certified ingredients to guarantee quality.

Why parents everywhere are importing European formula for their babies

The obsession with European formula by American parents is not misplaced. 

I know firsthand the pressure parents go through trying to find the best formula that is organic and has the ingredients contained in breastmilk. 

Having searched for a while, I felt relieved when I discovered European formula which is high-quality and safe for newborns and growing babies. 

If your baby has issues with American formulas, their European counterparts may be the savior you need. 

Besides the nutritional benefits, the formula manufactured in Europe is easily purchased online and shipped within days ensuring that you receive it when fresh.

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